Thursday, January 20, 2011

Heaven in a Cake Carrier

Brioche nanterre, beignets, brioche with bee sting and french bread.
     That's right, you should be jealous.  When I got home I ate a "little" bit of everything and it's all delicious.  The brioche is awesome and the bee sting takes it to my top ten.  "Bee sting" is what they call it in France.  Somehow they shape it like a bee hive; here it was made in a little mold.  It's basically almonds and honey amazingness.  The beignets are fried like doughnuts and rolled in cinnamon sugar.  Can you say yum?  Cuz I can!  YUM!  Last but not least is the french bread, which everyone knows and loves.  It's crusty and it's scrumptious, nuff said.
     Also, where are all the people who said they'd be taste testers?  Because I have A LOT of bread and such on my counter now....  Come and get it people!

1 comment:

  1. Rose, In New Orleans our beignets are fried and puffy and we sprinkle powdered sugar on top of them and eat them right out of the fryer while they are still warm.
