Wednesday, July 13, 2011


     Staged at a cake shop today.  They do wedding cakes and dessert tables (also celebration/sculpted cakes to fill in the gaps).  They are looking for two people to intern there; they have one full time and one part time position open.  She said I was the first person who came in and wanted the full time.  There are four more people coming in before I'll find out next week if I got it.
     I feel pretty good about today, even if I don't get the internship.  She seemed nice and actually let me do stuff.  I didn't even screw anything up.  The internship is three months and I feel like it would be really low in the stress department.  Then I can just relax and stage around, see what Rosie likes.
     The sister and I noticed recently that neighbors across the ally from us put in a chicken coop.  I found that alone entertaining.  Little did I know that just two(?) nights ago I would be sitting out on the deck with the before mentioned sister and witness an escape.  First I noticed that there were three chickens sitting on the fence.  Moments later they hoped down and made themselves comfortable in the empty parking spot behind our building.  The owners were alerted and promptly shooed them into his garage.
     The boyfriend and I are going camping this weekend.  Last weekend I took him out to a nice fancy dinner in the burbs (I had been given a generous gift card from one of my biggest "fans").  We got all dressed up and went out on the town.  Sometimes I like to be fancy.

Here is a picture from when we went camping last year:

Mmm... Hotdog. 

here is a picture of what happens when I have no internet or 
cable for a couple days because of a stupid storm:


Sunday, July 10, 2011

National Pastry Champs

     FPS instructors Chef Scott, Chef Josh and Chef Della (alternate) with Chef Donald as their team captain won the National Pastry Team Championship yesterday.  This is a picture of their showpieces (chocolate by Chef Josh and sugar by Chef Scott) that helped win them the title.  My class mate Sarah was lucky enough to go to the competition and I swiped this picture from her facebook.  The theme was your favorite book and they chose The Rainforest Grew All Around by Susan K. Mitchell.  Winning this competition means that next year they will be going to the World Pastry Team Championship.
Awesome Job!